Types in the Verza SDK define custom data structures and interfaces that are used throughout the various components and methods within the platform. They serve as building blocks for organizing and structuring your scripts, helping you create clean, maintainable, and understandable code.
📄️ AnimationEvent
📄️ AnimationEventType
📄️ AnimationInfo
📄️ AnimationLoop
📄️ AnimationOptions
📄️ AnimationsManager
📄️ ApiManager
📄️ AssetOptions
📄️ AssetsManager
📄️ AudioManager
📄️ Boolean3Array
📄️ Box3
This type represents a 3D bounding box using the Box3 class from the Three.js library. You can learn more about Box3 in the official Three.js documentation//threejs.org/docs/#api/en/math/Box3
📄️ CameraManager
📄️ CameraMode
📄️ CameraPosition
📄️ CameraTransition
📄️ CharacterBone
📄️ CharacterGender
📄️ ChatManager
📄️ ClotheCategory
📄️ ClotheGender
📄️ ClotheItem
📄️ ClothesManager
📄️ ColorSequenceStep
📄️ ColorType
📄️ Command
📄️ CommandConfigDto
📄️ CommandInfo
📄️ CommandParam
📄️ CommandType
📄️ CommandsManager
📄️ ComponentObjectProps
See CreateObjectProps and ObjectEventMap
📄️ ControllerManager
📄️ CreateObjectProps
📄️ DragEvent
📄️ DragEventType
📄️ Easing
📄️ EffectCubicBezier
📄️ EffectDirection
📄️ EffectEasing
📄️ EffectLoop
📄️ EffectShape
📄️ EffectType
📄️ EffectValueRange
📄️ EffectsManager
📄️ EngineManager
📄️ EngineParams
📄️ EntityAttachOptions
📄️ EntityColliderType
📄️ EntityCollisionType
📄️ EntityDrawDistance
📄️ EntityManager
📄️ EntityType
📄️ Euler
This type represents an Euler angle using the Euler class from the Three.js library. You can learn more about Euler in the official Three.js documentation//threejs.org/docs/#api/en/math/Euler
📄️ EulerArray
📄️ EventListenersMap
📄️ EventsManager
📄️ FileTransfer
📄️ InputEvent
📄️ InputManager
📄️ InteresectionData
📄️ IntersectsResult
📄️ IntersectsResultRaw
📄️ KeyEvent
📄️ KeyEventType
📄️ MainToolbarItem
📄️ MemoryStoreManager
📄️ MoonPhases
📄️ NetworkEventData
📄️ NetworkManager
📄️ NumberSequenceStep
📄️ Object3D
This type represents an object in a 3D scene using the Object3D class from the Three.js library. You can learn more about Object3D in the official Three.js documentation//threejs.org/docs/#api/en/core/Object3D
📄️ ObjectBaseType
📄️ ObjectDataProps
📄️ ObjectEditActionType
📄️ ObjectEditAxes
📄️ ObjectEditTransform
📄️ ObjectEventMap
📄️ ObjectManager
📄️ ObjectMaterialMix
📄️ ObjectMaterialType
📄️ ObjectPointerEvent
📄️ ObjectSoundEvent
📄️ ObjectTexture
📄️ ObjectTextureType
📄️ ObjectTransition
📄️ ObjectType
📄️ ObjectUserData
📄️ ObjectsManager
📄️ ParticlesManager
📄️ ParticlesOptions
📄️ PersistentStoreManager
📄️ PlayerBanStatus
📄️ PlayerCameraManager
📄️ PlayerClotheItem
📄️ PlayerControls
📄️ PlayerManager
📄️ PlayerState
📄️ PlayerVoicechatManager
📄️ PlayersManager
📄️ PointerEvent
📄️ PointerEventType
📄️ ProximityActionEvent
📄️ ProximityActionManager
📄️ ProximityActionOptions
📄️ Quaternion
This type represents a quaternion using the Quaternion class from the Three.js library. You can learn more about Quaternion in the official Three.js documentation//threejs.org/docs/#api/en/math/Quaternion
📄️ QuaternionArray
📄️ RaycastOptions
📄️ RaycasterManager
📄️ RoleDto
📄️ ScriptDto
📄️ ServerDto
📄️ ServerPermissionsDto
📄️ SkinMaskItem
📄️ SkyboxProps
📄️ SoundEvent
📄️ SoundEventType
📄️ SoundItem
📄️ SoundLoop
📄️ SoundManager
📄️ SoundOptions
📄️ SoundType
📄️ StorageFilters
📄️ StorageManager
📄️ StorageResult
📄️ StorageResultItem
📄️ StreamerManager
📄️ TimeMode
📄️ Timezone
📄️ ToolbarElement
📄️ ToolbarItem
📄️ ToolbarPosition
📄️ UIComponentType
📄️ UIManager
📄️ UISizeProps
📄️ UseKeyOptions
📄️ UsePointerOptions
📄️ Vector2
This type represents a 2D vector using the Vector2 class from the Three.js library. You can learn more about Vector2 in the official Three.js documentation//threejs.org/docs/#api/en/math/Vector2
📄️ Vector2Array
📄️ Vector3
This type represents a 3D vector using the Vector3 class from the Three.js library. You can learn more about Vector3 in the official Three.js documentation//threejs.org/docs/#api/en/math/Vector3