📄️ destroy
Destroy the sound.
📄️ pause
Pause the sound.
📄️ play
Play the sound.
📄️ resume
Resume the sound.
📄️ setLoop
Set the sound loop.
📄️ setLoopEnd
Set the sound loop end.
📄️ setLoopStart
Set the sound loop start.
📄️ setMaxDistance
Set the sound maximum distance to fade out.
📄️ setMinDistance
Set the sound minimum distance to start to fade out.
📄️ setOptions
Set the sound options.
📄️ setPlaybackRate
Set the sound playback rate.
📄️ setPosition
Set the sound position.
📄️ setRolloffFactor
Set the sound rolloff factor.
📄️ setVolume
Set the sound volume.
📄️ stop
Stop the sound.