📄️ addTorque
Adds torque to the object.
📄️ applyImpulse
Applies an impulse to the object.
📄️ applyTorqueImpulse
Applies an impulse torque to the object.
📄️ attach
Attaches any entity to the object.
📄️ clearTransitions
Clears all active transitions for the object.
📄️ clone
Creates a new object by cloning an existing object with the same properties.
📄️ computeBoundingBox
Compute the bounding box of the object.
📄️ computeWorldBoundingBox
Compute the world bounding box of the object.
📄️ createParticles
Creates a particle effect attached to the object.
📄️ createProximityAction
Creates a proximity action attached to the object.
📄️ createSound
Create a sound attached to the object.
📄️ delete
Destroys and deletes an object from Verza servers (only for permanent objects).
📄️ destroy
Destroys the object.
📄️ detach
Detaches an entity from the object.
📄️ detachFromParent
Detaches the object from its parent.
📄️ isStreamed
Checks if an object is currently being streamed.
📄️ rerender
Forces an object to re-render.
📄️ save
Saves an object to the Verza servers, making it permanent.
📄️ saveVolatile
Same as object.save but with a delay.
📄️ setAngularVelocity
Sets the angular velocity of the object.
📄️ setBloom
Enable or disable bloom for the object.
📄️ setCollider
Set the collider type of the object.
📄️ setCollision
Set the collision type of the object.
📄️ setData
Update data for the object.
📄️ setEnabledRotations
Sets which rotations are enabled for the physics object.
📄️ setEnabledTranslations
Sets which translations are enabled for the physics object.
📄️ setFriction
Sets the friction of the physics object.
📄️ setHelper
Enables or disables the helper for the object.
📄️ setLinearVelocity
Sets the linear velocity of the object.
📄️ setMass
Set the mass of the object.
📄️ setPosition
Set the position of the object.
📄️ setPositionFromWorldSpace
Set the position of the object in world space.
📄️ setProps
Updates type-specific properties for an object.
📄️ setRestitution
Sets the restitution of the physics object.
📄️ setRotation
Set the rotation of the object.
📄️ setRotationFromWorldSpace
Set the rotation of the object in world space.
📄️ setScale
Set the scale of the object.
📄️ setShadows
Enable or disable shadows for the object.
📄️ setVisible
Set whether or not the object is visible.
📄️ startTransition
Starts a transition for the object.
📄️ startTransitions
Starts all specified transitions for the object.
📄️ sync
Synchronizes an object's properties between the server and the client.
📄️ toData
Converts an object to its corresponding data representation.
📄️ waitForStream
Waits for an object to finish streaming.