📄️ createObjectProximityAction
Creates a proximity action attached to an object.
📄️ createPlayerProximityAction
Creates a proximity action attached to a player.
📄️ createProximityAction
Creates a proximity action.
📄️ getTime
Gets the current time of day in seconds.
🗃️ RaycasterManager
3 items
📄️ setFogColor
Sets the fog color.
📄️ setFogDensity
Sets the fog density.
📄️ setFogEnabled
Sets the fog status.
📄️ setGlobalLightAzimuth
Sets the azimuth of the global light.
📄️ setGlobalLightColor
Sets the color of the global light.
📄️ setGlobalLightIntensity
Sets the intensity of the global light.
📄️ setHemisphereLightColor
Sets the color of the hemisphere light.
📄️ setHemisphereLightGroundColor
Sets the color of the ground hemisphere light.
📄️ setHemisphereLightIntensity
Sets the intensity of the hemisphere light.
📄️ setInteriorModeEnabled
Enable or disable the interior mode.
📄️ setMoonPhase
Sets the moon phase.
📄️ setSkyManualModeEnabled
Sets whether the sky transitions are manual or automatic according to the time of day.
📄️ setSkybox
Sets the skybox for the world.
📄️ setTime
Sets the current time of day.
📄️ setTimeCycleDuration
Sets how long a day/night cycle lasts in seconds.
📄️ setTimeMode
Sets the time mode of the world.
📄️ setTimezone
Sets the timezone of the world.
📄️ setViewportRender
Sets the render mode of the viewport.
📄️ setWeather
Set the weather in the world.