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Setup SDK

Verza's SDK is designed to be framework-agnostic, meaning you can use it with any frontend (React, Vue, etc.) or backend framework. This provides maximum flexibility and allows you to use your preferred tools when building your game modes.


Installing the SDK is only required if you're doing the connection manually. If you're using the Verza CLI, the SDK will be installed automatically.

To install the Verza SDK, run the following command:

npm install @verza/sdk

or use a CDN:

<!-- SDK -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Utils -->
<script src=""></script>

Now that you've installed the SDK, you can proceed with setting up your project structure and exploring the SDK's features. Happy developing! 🧱

Are you a React developer?

We recommend using React for Client Scripts, as our SDK supports a declarative entities rendering approach based on components. This makes it easier to create and manage game entities using React components like <Box /> or <Gltf /> instead of imperative methods such as objects.create('box'), which require manual handling of entities destruction.

TypeScript Support

Our SDK has full TypeScript Support, including complete type definitions and support for popular editors like VS Code.