is a component that displays text in the world.
<Text text={text} />
All objects share the same base parameters from ComponentObjectProps
Name | Type | Description |
text | string | The text to display. |
color | ColorType | The color of the text. |
fontSize | number | The size of the font. |
maxWidth | number | The maximum width that the text can take up. |
lineHeight | number | The height of a line of text. |
letterSpacing | number | The space between each letter in the text. |
textAlign | center, left, right, justify | The alignment of the text. |
font | string | The font to use for the text. |
anchorX | number, center, left, right | The X-axis anchor point for the text. |
anchorY | number, bottom, top, middle, top-baseline, bottom-baseline | The Y-axis anchor point for the text. |
direction | auto, ltr, rtl | The direction of the text. |
overflowWrap | normal, break-word | How to wrap the text when it overflows the container. |
whiteSpace | normal, nowrap, overflowWrap | How to handle whitespace in the text. |
outlineWidth | string, number | The width of the text outline. |
outlineOffsetX | string, number | The X-axis offset of the text outline. |
outlineOffsetY | string, number | The Y-axis offset of the text outline. |
outlineBlur | string, number | The blur amount of the text outline. |
outlineColor | ColorType | The color of the text outline. |
outlineOpacity | number | The opacity of the text outline. |
strokeWidth | string, number | The width of the text stroke. |
strokeColor | ColorType | The color of the text stroke. |
strokeOpacity | number | The opacity of the text stroke. |
fillOpacity | number | The opacity of the text fill. |
bloom | boolean | Whether use bloom effect. |
text="Hello World"
position={[0, 2, 0]}
Available on: Client Server