📄️ Box
Box is a primitive object that creates a box.
📄️ Capsule
Capsule is a primitive object that creates a capsule.
📄️ Circle
Circle is a primitive object that creates a circle.
📄️ Cone
Cone is a primitive object that creates a cone.
📄️ Cylinder
Cylinder is a primitive object that creates a cylinder.
📄️ Dodecahedron
Dodecahedron is a primitive object that creates a dodecahedron.
📄️ Gltf
Gltf is a component that allows you to load a GLTF model into the world.
📄️ Group
Group is a component that allows you to group objects together. This is useful for creating complex objects that are made up of multiple parts.
📄️ Icosahedron
Icosahedron is a primitive object that creates a icosahedron.
📄️ Line
Line is a primitive object that creates a line.
📄️ Octahedron
Octahedron is a primitive object that creates a octahedron.
📄️ Plane
Plane is a primitive object that creates a plane.
📄️ PointLight
PointLight is a light that emits light in all directions from a single point.
📄️ RectAreaLight
RectAreaLight is a light that emits light from a rectangular plane. It is used to simulate light sources such as bright windows or strip lighting.
📄️ Sphere
Sphere is a primitive object that creates a sphere.
📄️ SpotLight
SpotLight is a light source positioned at a point that spreads in all directions. It can be used to simulate a light bulb.
📄️ Tetrahedron
Tetrahedron is a primitive object that creates a tetrahedron.
📄️ Text
Text is a component that displays text in the world.
📄️ Torus
Torus is a primitive object that creates a torus.