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2. Build

Building your experience is an exciting phase where you bring your design to life. This section will provide insights and guidance on the building process, focusing on creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and incorporating best practices for player engagement.

  1. Build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
    Start by building the simplest and most essential version of your experience. This MVP allows you to validate your concept and gather feedback early on. Prioritize the core features and functionalities that deliver the fundamental gameplay experience. Building an MVP enables you to iterate and improve upon the foundation while minimizing costs and development time.

  2. Build a system for the personal, community, and world environment.
    Consider how your experience can impact people on different levels. Design systems that provide personal progression, foster community interaction and collaboration, and contribute to a larger world environment. By incorporating these elements, you create a richer and more meaningful experience for people.

  3. Build with best practices.
    Implement best practices that enhance player engagement and ownership of the experience:

    • Provide meaningful decisions for players to make, allowing them to shape their gameplay and outcomes.
    • Assign responsibilities to players, giving them a sense of agency and impact within the game mode.
    • Design gameplay that encourages players to take ownership of their actions and the consequences that follow.
  4. Rewards and Incentives: Make them playful and approachable.
    Implement a reward system that adds a sense of accomplishment and discovery to the gameplay. Offer guidance and assistance to help users navigate the game mode effectively. Introduce levels, challenges, and goals that players can achieve, providing a sense of progress and mastery. Foster a playful and approachable atmosphere that encourages players to explore and experiment.

  5. Build Aesthetic: Finding your own style.
    Develop a unique visual and artistic style that represents your game mode. Create a cohesive and captivating aesthetic that immerses players in the experience. Consider the mood, color palette, and art direction that aligns with your game mode's theme and narrative. Building a distinct aesthetic enhances the overall player experience.

  6. Build game mechanics: System interaction economy = interactive economy.
    Focus on designing compelling and interactive game mechanics. Explore the interactions and relationships between various systems within your game mode. Create an economy of actions and consequences that drive player engagement. By emphasizing meaningful player choices and dynamic interactions, you cultivate an engaging and immersive gameplay experience.

  7. Rules, Tutorials, and Feedback.
    Establish clear rules for your game mode and communicate them effectively to players. Develop intuitive tutorials that guide players through the mechanics and features of your game mode, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience. Implement feedback systems that provide clear and informative signals to players, allowing them to understand their progress, successes, and areas for improvement.

By following these guidelines during the building phase, you can create a well-rounded and captivating game mode that offers engaging gameplay mechanics, rewards player investment, and incorporates best practices for player engagement and ownership. In the next section, we will explore the deployment process to share your game mode with the world.